Give customers the best post-purchase experience with proactive delivery updates
Designed for developers to integrate 愛爾蘭Fastway tracking functionality easily.
Best tracking tool in Shopify, works perfectly well with dropshipping stores.
想知道你的 愛爾蘭Fastway 包的旅程? 通過 愛爾蘭Fastway 跟蹤,您可以輕鬆監控包裹從發貨到交付的狀態。
無論您是預期交貨還是檢查貨件,此工具都可以實時更新訂單的位置和狀態。 隨時了解並控制您的包裹之旅!
要跟蹤 愛爾蘭Fastway 包,您有兩個主要選項。
只需訪問 愛爾蘭Fastway 的跟蹤頁面,輸入您的跟蹤號碼,即可獲取貨件的最新狀態。
如果您厭倦了雜耍多個承運人網站來跟蹤您的包裹,您可以通過 TrackingMore 輕鬆地在一個方便的地方跟蹤您的所有投遞。
{Tm} 是一個免費的包裹跟蹤工具,它集成了 1379 個載體,允許您一次跟蹤來自不同載體的50個跟蹤號碼。 沒有註冊任何帳戶!
要跟蹤您的 愛爾蘭Fastway 包裹 TrackingMore,您只需要:
跟蹤號碼的格式因運營商而異,但通常由字母和數字的組合組成。 有關詳細信息,您可以查看 愛爾蘭Fastway 的網站或聯系其客戶服務尋求幫助。
您可以通過多種方式找到您的 愛爾蘭Fastway 跟蹤號碼。
愛爾蘭Fastway 跟蹤API是一個功能強大的工具,可供企業獲取其 愛爾蘭Fastway 貨件的實時跟蹤信息。 此API將您的系統和應用程序連接到 愛爾蘭Fastway,以便您可以輕鬆獲取並與客戶共享跟蹤更新。
{Tm} 的「貨件跟蹤API」是一款功能強大的工具,可將多個運營商的跟蹤功能集成到您的業務平台中。
不同於單一運營商的API只專注於跟蹤一個物流提供商,TrackingMore 的API聚合來自 1379 家運營商的數據,包括USPS, UPS, 聯邦快遞,和DHL,因此您可以從單個界面管理所有貨件。
這就是為什麼您應該為您的業務使用 TrackingMore 的API。
Track your packages across different carriers
TrackingMore integrated with 1,379 carriers, supporting global parcel tracking in one place.
This company has removed it's phone support and only has online contact form in place which they will not reply to. Fourth week waiting now for any contact back about a lost, insured package and nothing from them. If your package gets delivered then you win, if anything else happens you are SOL. Avoid if you value you time, money and piece of mind. My item was marked delivered in the wrong part of the country and the recipient was at home waiting as it was ticked off as signed for. Thieves, scammers or incompetent, one or more of these apply to Fastway.
Exellent transport service.
I ordered one bottle of gel polishes and I receive it today very safely, didn\'t damaged and other unhappy things happen, I appreciate it a lot:)
Received email notifications on \"Out for Delivery\" and \"Delivered\".
Fast and punctual delivery. Good delivery tracking. Everything was great.
想要自動更新貨件或提高交付效率?借助 TrackingMore 強大的 API,您將擁有觸手可及的所有工具,以改變客戶的售後旅程。